Pay what you like for Abul Mogard's Aïsha Devi remix
We came across Abul Mogard's music when sitting up late listening to Mary-Anne Hobbs' show. Immediately struck by his incredible soundscapes, we thought he'd combine like a dream with the equally otherwordly Aïsha Devi. He turned in such a superb remix ("Just an astonishing piece of music," according to Mary-Anne), that we knew we had to let people hear it, despite already having already released a remix package for her debut album 'Of Matter And Spirit'.
So you can now pay what you like to download Abul's remix from Bandcamp. You'll also get the remix as a digital bonus when you buy 'Of Matter And Spirit Remixes' from our store or Bandcamp (if you've bought the release directly from us previously, we'll send it to you - keep an eye on your inbox). Enjoy!